Most people have bad memories of their driving test. Only a few can boast of having visited an examination center once. Passing the test the first time is the result of several factors: a dose of luck, practical skills and stress management. We have no influence on the first element, the second can be developed over time, but why is the last one so difficult? Are there effective techniques for dealing with nerves?
Stress before the driving test – causes
Fear of the exam has paralyzed many driver candidates. It can control us to such an extent that we make cardinal mistakes. We can negotiate the curve perfectly with the instructor, enter every roundabout in the city without any worries, and on the day of the exam feel like we are having our first lesson. As a result – despite our previous freedom behind the wheel – we will present ourselves to the examiner as an amateur who should not have received a driving license yet.
Stress can motivate you to act thanks to the adrenaline rush. Unfortunately, it often works the other way around. We are afraid that we do not know enough and that we will not be able to cope when a dangerous situation happens on the road. Creating worst-case scenarios is often a self-fulfilling prophecy. It’s also a kind of self-sabotage. Some people deeply believe that they will not pass the exam. In fact, they are just waiting for an opportunity to make a mistake and return to the resort in the passenger seat. As they fail again, and again, and again, they become more and more afraid. Instead of finding out how to pass your driving license without stress a>, they lock themselves into a vicious circle that does not allow them to achieve success.
Ways to deal with stress before the driving test
We often realize that the fear that overwhelms us is an irrational feeling. However, knowing this is not enough. It’s not easy to cope with stress before the driving test. Is there an option to minimize it to a level where it won’t block us? First of all, this is an opponent you should not fight when you are tired or sleep-deprived. When we are rested, we are more focused, which is of great importance on the road.
Some people consider visiting a pharmacy. They believe that an appropriate sedative will help them quell their fear of meeting the examiner. Supporters of such solutions have their reasons, but it is worth testing this method beforehand. Mild herbal preparations taken a week or two before the exam will be better. Stronger medicines (usually available by prescription) may impair coordination and orientation. Taking it for the first time before driving will be particularly dangerous because we do not know how it will affect our reactions. We can harm ourselves, not help ourselves.
How not to stress during the driving test?
Instead of thinking how to overcome stress before the driving test, you can prepare for it before signing up for the course. It’s about choosing a school wisely – taking into account not the price or distance from home, but the opinions and place in the school ranking. A good instructor is more than half the success. It will not only teach the student how to drive great. May accompany him during the exam. This is an additionally paid option, but having an instructor in the car really helped many people.
Another issue is knowledge about the exam itself. It is worth examining its form so that the sequence of actions (or the actions themselves) do not surprise us. The time we get behind the wheel is also important. Some test takers prefer off-peak hours when there is less traffic on the roads. On the one hand, this is a reasonable approach, but on the other, it has a few pitfalls. For example, owls may be distracted in the morning, so it would be better for them to take the exam in the afternoon. In the morning they may perform maneuvers incorrectly. As a result, despite the empty spaces on the road, they will get a negative result.
Instead of wondering how to pass your driving test without stress, it is better to focus on positive thinking. There is no point in listening to stories about malicious examiners. We only provide ourselves with additional stress. You should believe in your abilities. During the exam, you must listen carefully to instructions and focus on the road, signs and other road users. Even if it doesn’t work this time, it doesn’t mean anything. It’s just an exam.