How to prepare for the theory exam? Just learn! This matter is quite obvious, so we will not go into it. The stairs begin at the next stage, so the question should be: how to pass the driving test? The practical driving test is one of the most stressful exams in life. Unfortunately, when applying for driver status, you cannot avoid it. Fortunately, you can try to approach it calmly and thus increase your chances of obtaining a positive result. How to do it? We have some tips that will help you learn how to pass the driving exam!
First: relaxation
Easy to say! Unfortunately, the state driving test is associated with great experiences that are difficult to approach calmly. Think about the fact that focusing on the upcoming and inevitable event will not help you. Therefore, the day before “zero hour”, choose to relax and treat yourself. Let it be a walk, reading, a movie – whatever makes you feel better. Look at the exam itself from the perspective of something new that is happening to you for the first time. As a consolation, it is worth adding that this particular debut is actually not worth the stress and sleepless night. What if it doesn’t work out? Well, everything is for people. Subsequent approaches as well.
Secondly: take it easy
Each category B driving license exam (and others) is scheduled for a specific date. The student also knows the approximate time at which he will be invited to the square. However, come to WORD with time to spare. This will help you avoid unnecessary stress. Don’t worry about whether you’ll make it on time – just leave a little earlier. There are two ways you can behave when you get there. You can observe others, thereby participating in their nerves. You can also prepare by taking a look at the maneuvering area, its individual elements and the cars standing there.
In the square
The first tasks the examiner will give you are not too complicated. Turning on and checking the operation of the lights is not difficult. The situation is no different with inspection and maintenance activities. Checking the engine oil level, indicating the level of coolant, brake fluid, windshield washer fluid or checking the operation of the horn usually does not pose many difficulties. Once you’ve completed your basic tasks and get in your car, keep a few things in mind. First, adjust the seat correctly . You cannot sit too close or too far from the steering wheel – otherwise your movements may not be sufficiently free and this will not make driving easier. Before you set off, however, make sure all doors are closed, the lights are on and you are wearing your seat belt. Your category B driving test is now starting.
On the road
First cats for fences! The fact that you managed to leave the square is already a reason to be satisfied. What do you need to remember now? First of all, before you overtake, pass or turn around – turn on your turn signal. If you perform any of the above-mentioned maneuvers, keep a safe distance and be careful. Watch out for cyclists and pedestrians! Always stop before crossings unless the light is green. Traffic lights are (along with signs) another element you need to pay attention to. What if the car stalls? Nothing! Start it and just keep driving. Remember that the examiner doesn’t want you to fail. If you don’t get carried away by emotions, the risk of making a mistake will decrease significantly. Keep in mind that the state driving test ends only after you return to the WORD office and turn off the engine! Until you get there, the practical driving test continues.
When driving, try to drive dynamically. Dynamic acceleration is one of the things assessed by the examiner. After stopping (e.g. at a traffic light), start driving immediately when the green light turns on. Don’t drive in one gear for too long – feel free to change gears.